True North is:

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Michigan, United States

Friday, August 21, 2009

100% Homestead!

This photo depicts an entire meal from food we grew and raised ourselves!!! YEAH!!
Herb seasoned pork steak, fresh corn on the cob, herb seasoned red skin potatoes, and fresh veggie salsa! The meal was one of the best I’ve ever had and I’m sure it something to do with that fact that we did it all ourselves. It was so satisfying knowing we can provide for ourselves and actually eat VERY well!


  1. Congrats!! A great feeling of accomplishment isn't it? Right there with you!

  2. I am pretty glad for you guys. The plate looks very tastey. That is a great accomplishment.

  3. It all looks so good! Congratulations on your achievement!!

  4. What's been happening lately with you guys? I hope all is well. I miss your updates....
